博世力士乐公司推出了一个新的连接套件,并命名为Hogglunds Inside Intelligence,主要为客户提供对Hogglunds(赫格隆)液压驱动系统状态监测包括即时分析、实时咨询等。
Bosch rexroth company launched a new connection kit, and named Hogglunds Inside Intelligence, mainly to provide customers with the Hogglunds (hagglund) hydraulic system condition monitoring including real-time analysis, real-time consulting, etc.
The portfolio includes Hogglunds CM and Hogglunds CM premium and proprietary predictive maintenance system, Bosch rexroth company Hogglunds CM provide primary monitoring and logging, CM premium to provide a complete health index, including the history data, trend and deeper analysis.
该组合包括Hogglunds CM和Hogglunds CM premium和博世力士乐公司专有的预测维修系统,Hogglunds CM提供初级监控和日志记录,而CM premium提供完整的健康指数,包括历史数据、趋势和更深层次的分析。
The portfolio includes Hogglunds CM and Hogglunds CM premium and proprietary predictive maintenance system, Bosch rexroth company Hogglunds CM provide primary monitoring and logging, CM premium to provide a complete health index, including the history data, trend and deeper analysis.
Hogglunds InSight Live也包含在软件包中,它是一个诊断工具,使用了增强现实为博世力士乐客户提供远程服务支持。通过移动设备或智能眼镜、中心服务专家能够看到现场实时情况,这意味着他们能够提供指导和支持。
Hogglunds InSight Live, also included in the package, is a diagnostic tool that USES augmented reality to provide remote service support for Bosch rexroth customers. Through mobile devices or smart glasses, and central service specialists can see live real-time situations, which means they can provide guidance and support.
Hogglunds Inside Intelligence也会支持工业4.0进程业务,使连通性成为工业过程的核心。套件将控件控制权放在客户的手上,它提供了他们需要确保减少停机时间而优化性能的工具,这将帮助客户提高他们驱动器的利用率和生产力,同时降低总成本。
Hogglunds Inside Intelligence里有经验丰富的专家,可以为客户提供即时分析、实时咨询和状态监测以及预测性维护和其他形式的支持。
Hogglunds Inside Intelligence has experienced experts who can provide immediate analysis, real-time consulting and status monitoring, predictive maintenance, and other forms of support.