2018-01-05 16:41:24


Letter, deputy director of committee Dai Yuejiang introduced in jiangsu province in jiangsu province to promote strong industrial base engineering practice experience, one is to strengthen the top-level design, the research establish a strong industrial base system as a whole. The second is to strengthen the whole process of management, set up strong industrial base project smooth implementation. 3 it is to effectively reduce the enterprise investment and operating costs. Four is through vigorously open strong industrial base engineering in recent years, further enhance the level of a strong industrial base project in jiangsu province.



One is to organize the implementation of national one-stop application program, combined with industry development in our province technology and design, the implementation of one-stop application plan, in the whole machine, spare parts and other fields, through a talk, questionnaires and other forms, understand the upstream and downstream enterprises demand, further promote the development of the whole machine and basic equipment, upstream and downstream enterprises cooperation, win-win cooperation.


 is to organize the implementation of national one-stop application program, combined with industry development in our province technology and design, the implementation of one-stop application plan, in the whole machine, spare parts and other fields, through a talk, questionnaires and other forms, understand the upstream and downstream enterprises demand, further promote the development of the whole machine and basic equipment, upstream and downstream enterprises cooperation, win-win cooperation.


One is to organize the implementation of national one-stop application program, combined with industry development in our province technology and design, the implementation of one-stop application plan, in the whole machine, spare parts and other fields, through a talk, questionnaires and other forms, understand the upstream and downstream enterprises demand, further promote the development of the whole machine and basic equipment, upstream and downstream enterprises cooperation, win-win cooperation.




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