2018-01-09 16:41:31


As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.


As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.


As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.


As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.

在安全应用方面,新一代JRS1Dsp热过载继电器产品搭载业界领先技术平台,采用德力西电气发明专利设计,全方位守护用户的用电安全。JRS1Dsp热过载继电器采用片簧式动触头发明专利设计和温度补偿双金发明专利设计,杜绝辅助触头不通电现象,并保障继电器在极端温度环境下也能精确动作,可靠保护电动机及线路。考虑到安装的便捷性,JRS1Dsp热继产品选用方形导电杆以及CJX2s接触器产品采用上下双孔接线、免工具安装设计,让安装接线更牢固;全系列CJX2s接触器能与JRS1Dsp、JRS1热过载继电器组合安装,并且JRS1Dsp 93A壳架增加小电流规格,使接触器降容使用时也能与热继组合安装,保障客户安装组合轻松快捷。

As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.

“目前中国制造业进入新一轮深化改革,针对日趋严苛的升级需求,增加有效供给,是质量强国、制造强国的要求,也是全面落实“中国制造2025”的有力保障。未来德力西电气将继续坚守品质基石,通过加强高端产品研发和推新力度,不断推出符合市场需求、引领行业发展的创新产品研发与服务,为不同领域客户创造更大价值。” 德力西电气首席运营官楼峰如是说。

As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.As a leading manufacturer of low-voltage electrical appliances in China, delixi electric co., LTD. Recently launched the CJX2s series control and protection products. The series includes a new and listed CJX2s ac contactor and a new generation JRS1Dsp thermal overload relay.



