2018-01-18 17:06:28



China has become the largest market for industrial robots in the world. In this context, the Hong Kong robot and artificial intelligence industry has developed rapidly in recent years and has been widely used in other industries. In recognition of the best in the field, the BBS organiser, the intelligence rating agency diman, made a special tour and award presentation to the winning companies in the bay area of guangdong, Hong Kong and macau.



Mr Leung thinks the award is an encouragement for his company, which will introduce more electronic services to facilitate customers and transform the industry.


"China robot industry development peak BBS" the organizing committee of the secretary-general, di, intelligence agencies Song Sixian told reporters that pricerite will AR (augmented reality), and VR (virtual reality) technology innovation is applied to the retail level, focus on people and the combination of science and technology, deserves affirmation and encouragement.


He also said that robots and related smart industries have become one of the hottest industries. It is believed that the future robot and related intelligent industry will continuously push the traditional industry to break through the bottleneck, and will go to the service industry to provide consumers with a better experience.


 Learned, held together by xinhua net and intelligence agencies di 2017 China robot industry development peak BBS on November 29, 2017 held in Beijing, many experts and enterprise representatives "for the future development of artificial intelligence space" and "cross-border service innovation to upgrade" and other related topics for discussion.




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