2018-01-23 10:04:12

  Germany, the most developed country in machine tool technology in the world, is also the top country in the machine tool industry. The German government has always attached importance to the important strategic position of the machine tool industry. It has been vigorously promoted in many ways. Germany pays special attention to scientific experiments, combining theory with practice, laying equal stress on basic scientific research and applied technology research. The German Machine Tool Association believes that the trend of the development of machine tool technology in the next few years will be embodied in individualization, automation and efficiency. The following is the ranking of German machine tool enterprises.
  1、吉特迈Gildemeister; 2、德国通快TRUMPF集团; 3、舒勒Schuler; 4、埃马克Emag; 5、斯来福临KorberSchleifring; 6、因代克斯Index; 7、恒伦Heller; 8、巨浪Chiron; 9、格劳勃Grob; 10、哈默Hermle。


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