2018-01-24 09:38:30

  Artificial intelligence has become the new engine of economic development. As a core driver of the new round of industrial transformation, artificial intelligence will further release the tremendous energy accumulated by scientific and technological revolutions and industrial changes and create new demands for intelligence in all fields f rom the macro to the micro-level, and give birth to new technologies, new products, new industries, New f ormats and new models, triggering major changes in the economic structure and achieving an overall leap in social productivity.
  At present, artificial intelligence has gradually entered the industrialization phase. The development of artificial intelligence technology is moving f rom the academic-driven laboratory phase to the industrialization phase jointly promoted by academia and industry.
  Its development direction is: 1. Intelligent Manufacturing; 2. Intelligent Agriculture; 3. Intelligent Logistics; 4. Intelligent Finance; 5. Intelligent Business; 6. Smart Home; 7. Intelligent Education; 8. Intelligent Robot; 9. Intelligent Delivery Vehicle 10 Virtual reality and augmented reality.

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