With the emergence of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution, intelligent manufacturing is becoming an important direction of global manufacturing transformation and a commanding point of competition. Major manufacturing countries have launched strategies and policies to promote intelligent manufacturing, and occupy the high ground of a new round of industrial development.
Overall, 2017, the United States of big data and cloud services, Internet of things industry giants to compete, also have bright eye startup performance, while the VR application development show that attaches great importance to the characteristic of medical treatment and care.
Big data and cloud services: IBM has made a big splash, with didi chuxing in silicon valley.
2017年1月,IBM(国际商业机器公司)宣布将以26亿美元收购医疗保健数据和分析提供商Truven Health Analytics。这是过去2年以来IBM进行的第4笔与健康数据有关的大型收购。Truven Health Analytics拥有8500家客户,其中包括美国联邦政府和州政府机构、雇主、医保、医院等,以及三亿病人数据。此外Truven还拥有2500名雇员,包括数据科学家、研究人员以及各类专家等,这都是IBM Watson Health真正发挥作用所必不可少的资源。
IBM will build the infrastructure and provide the infrastructure as a service (IaaS). IBM says it is the only company authorized by the U.S. defense information systems authority to operate infrastructure, or service solutions, in government agencies.
Didi chuxing announced that it has set up an American research institute in mountain view, silicon valley, to invest in research on big data security and intelligent driving, and accelerate the layout of global innovation network. Company pointed out that the United States institute there are dozens of data engineers and researchers to join in, the main research topics include cloud security, deep learning, human-computer interaction, computer vision and image study, technology development and application in the field of intelligent driving, etc. Currently, didi is actively recruiting people.
3月,美国电信运营巨头Verizon在美国本土推出首个全国性商用LTE Cat-M1网络,覆盖面积达240万平方公里。而按照另一巨头AT&T之前的计划,其LTE-M网络将在2017年年底覆盖美国,不过AT&T随后决定将时间表提前至2017年年中。在完成全美覆盖后,AT&T还计划今年底将LTE-M网络覆盖至墨西哥。
10月,IBM在物联网大会上宣布,美国家庭服务公司Sears Home Services和食品加工厂商Golden State Foods通过IBM Watson IoT的服务来提升业务质量。根据Gartner的预估,到2022年,物联网每年将为企业在维护和服务方面节省上兆美元的成本。
9月,英国AI和VR开发公司AiSolve收购了美国VR咨询公司Clay Park VR。Clay Park VR最近领导了洛杉矶儿童医院的VR试点项目,试图通过VR项目取代昂贵且耗时的假人医疗培训,且表现出色。基于此,AiSolve做出了收购Clay Park VR的决定。
In September, in order to provide high quality, high standard care facilities with high and new science and technology, make endowment environment full of vitality, the maple wood nursing home for the elderly to make a set of VR entertainment system. The system can not only improve memory, enhance the social skills of the elderly, but also help them reduce stress and promote the progress of education in old age.
Overall, 2017, the United States of big data and cloud services, Internet of things industry giants to compete, also have bright eye startup performance, while the VR application development show that attaches great importance to the characteristic of medical treatment and care. Next, we will focus on the major achievements of the us in robotics this year.