2018-02-05 16:50:19


At the beginning of the New Year, the davos world economic BBS global important meetings with the "big data" as an important issue is discussed and prospected. And with the development of large data with each passing day, our country also in the situation, meticulous planning, layout in advance, strive for the initiative.



The data collected, processed and accumulated by the global economic and social systems have grown rapidly, and the size of the big data industry has gradually increased. Comprehensive views of all parties, the big data industry in 2018 or the emergence of open source big data commercialization further into the seven development trends.

根据监测统计,2017年全球的数据总量为21.6ZB(1个ZB等于十万亿亿字节) ,目前全球数据的增长速度在每年40%左右,预计到2020年全球的数据总量将达到40ZB。

阿里巴巴集团技术委员会主席王坚在接受《经济参考报》记者专访时表示:“过去人类发展留下了数据,但是数据不够多,难以形成资源;但是互联网时代留下的大量数据可以成为资源。”德国思爱普公司董事会成员Bernd Leukert表示,信息技术(IT)系统依赖传统的数据处理方式,大量数据需要人工输入;然而,如今任何一个物理存在都会自动生成数据,人与人、人与物、物与物之间都会产生大数据,数据流将深刻改变企业运行的各个环节。

The information technology (IT) system relies on traditional data processing, with large amounts of data requiring manual input, said Bernd Leukert, a board member at SAP. Now, however, any physical existence will automatically generate data, people, between people and objects, content and content will produce big data, data flow will profoundly change the enterprise operation of each link.


Third, industrial level, use big data technology, promote industrial upgrading, promote industrial structure transformation. The fourth is the ecological level, how the talents, policies and markets cooperate with each other, how to communicate with each other and between regions.




