2018-02-09 16:43:24

本周二下午3:45,由埃隆•马斯克企下公司SpaceX打造的猎鹰重型(Falcon Heavy)火箭在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心成功起飞,有意思的是此火箭还搭载了一台马斯克的个人特斯拉(Tesla)跑车,车上放置了一个穿着太空服的假人。火箭完美将测试载荷送入轨道,马斯克又创造了历史性的一刻。


As early as last year, musk announced his plan to tesla motors in the falcon heavy rockets, was asked why did he throw away $100000 worth of cars, and musk is replies, "I like this one idea, let the car drift in the infinite space, perhaps millions of years in the future will be found by aliens".



A heavy falcon rocket costs $90 million and falcon 9 drives $62 million. SpaceX has disrupted the global market for rocket launches with lower prices and reusable boosters.


The launch marks a huge step forward for SpaceX, which has successfully shaken up the rocket industry with a breakthrough technology. , in the fact that the ferry companies can let the falcon 9 stage driver to return to earth, a rocket recycling history can be traced back to 2012, the earliest company has finished 40 tasks using the technology.


The technology allows SpaceX to recover and reuse its used propellers. In fact, the first falcon heavy launch vehicle USES two former falcon 9 drivers, plus a new driver. The repeated use of hardware has further reduced the cost of SpaceX.

在此火箭回收项目之前,每次任务后公司都不得不放弃掉火箭。其实,重型猎鹰不是历史上最强大的火箭,此前美国航空航天局(NASA)的土星五号(Saturn V)运载火箭获得史上最强的荣誉,此火箭用于阿波罗登月,并在70年代退役。

Before the rocket recovery program, the company had to give up the rocket every time. In fact, the falcon heavy is not in the history of the most powerful rocket, NASA (NASA) before the Saturn V () Saturn V rocket glory in the history of the strongest, the rockets for the Apollo moon landing, and retired in the 70 s.




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