2018-02-27 16:15:39


With the invention of the steam engine and the power loom, the world industrialization began in the late 18th century, fundamentally changed the way make goods. A century later, electricity and assembly line for mass production. In the 1970 s, with the development of computer driven automation enables us to the machine and network programming, the third industrial revolution began.


Today, the fourth industrial revolution is changing the economy, employment and even the society itself. In many industrial 4.0 under the broad headings, through the analysis of physical and digital technology, artificial intelligence, cognitive technology and the Internet of things (IoT), the combination of creating both Internet and digital enterprise can make smarter decisions. Digital enterprises can communicate, analyze and use data to promote intelligent behavior in the physical world. In short, the revolution not only embedded intelligent interconnection technology within the organization, but also embedded in our daily life.


In an era of unprecedented global social and economic connectivity, the fourth industrial revolution is taking place rapidly, big or small. If leaders choose to think more broadly and act decisively, their businesses may be in industry 4. It has become a dominant force in positive forces.




through the analysis of physical and digital technology, artificial intelligence, cognitive technology and the Internet of things (IoT), the combination of creating both Internet and digital enterprise can make smarter decisions. Digital enterprises can communicate, analyze and use data to promote intelligent behavior in the physical world. In short, the revolution not only embedded intelligent interconnection technology within the organization, but also embedded in our daily life.




industry 4. 0 is no exception. It brings risks, but offers a huge opportunity: new products and services, better ways of serving customers, new jobs and new business models. And before the industrial revolution, the impact of these changes may be spread across industries, enterprises and communities, not only affects the way we work, also affect our life and the relationship between each other.


所有革命都是破坏性的,工业4.0也不例外。 它带来了风险,但提供了巨大的机会:新产品和服务,更好地服务客户的方式,新型工作和全新的商业模式。 与以前的工业革命一样,这些变化的影响可能会波及各行业、企业和社区,不仅影响我们的工作方式,还影响我们彼此的生活和相互关系。

All revolutions are destructive, industry 4. 0 is no exception. It brings risks, but offers a huge opportunity: new products and services, better ways of serving customers, new jobs and new business models. And before the industrial revolution, the impact of these changes may be spread across industries, enterprises and communities, not only affects the way we work, also affect our life and the relationship between each other.

德勤的调查显示CXO懂得它,即他们知道工业4.0将带来巨大变化,他们需要做好准备。 然而,他们对如何采取行动并不确定,且没有多少时间了:在这个前所未有的全球社会和经济互联互通的时代,第四次工业革命正在迅速发生,或大或小。 如果领导者选择更广泛地思考并采取果断行动,他们的企业可能会在工业4.0中成为积极力量方面发挥主导作用。

In an era of unprecedented global social and economic connectivity, the fourth industrial revolution is taking place rapidly, big or small. If leaders choose to think more broadly and act decisively, their businesses may be in industry 4. It has become a dominant force in positive forces.



