贯彻落实党的十九大精神 推动强区富民
2018-02-28 15:52:08


PPP investment and financing system reform and other key areas and key links reform continuously release system dividends. Vocational education talent pool, service industry prosperity development, economic development is rapid, yongchuan city vitality is stronger and stronger.

贯彻落实党的十九大精神 推动强区富民

Yongchuan is the node city of chengdu-chongqing economic zone, is one of the important regional linkage development of chengdu-chongqing urban agglomeration, at present, the Great Wall, isuzu, east peng, liebherr and other major projects, high quality project successively fall to the ground, to build a "yongchuan industrial" lay a solid foundation.


yongchuan, go the way of high quality development, change is to be around quality, efficiency, change, power transformation, relying on the basis of yongchuan and advantages, vigorously develop intelligent equipment, automobile and parts, electronic information, light industry, energy and new materials, five big industrial cluster.


多管齐下提质发展 增强城市活力


Yongchuan is the node city of chengdu-chongqing economic zone, is one of the important regional linkage development of chengdu-chongqing urban agglomeration, at present, the Great Wall, isuzu, east peng, liebherr and other major projects, high quality project successively fall to the ground, to build a "yongchuan industrial" lay a solid foundation.


Supply side structural reform to advance, yongchuan closed 51 coal enterprises, ten iron and steel enterprise, brick and tile enterprises 56, shut down the number of enterprises and exit capacity are about a third of the city. Rural reform, medical and health system reform, administrative system reform, PPP investment and financing system reform and other key areas and key links reform continuously release system dividends. Vocational education talent pool, service industry prosperity development, economic development is rapid, yongchuan city vitality is stronger and stronger.



TengHongWei: for yongchuan, go the way of high quality development, change is to be around quality, efficiency, change, power transformation, relying on the basis of yongchuan and advantages, vigorously develop intelligent equipment, automobile and parts, electronic information, light industry, energy and new materials, five big industrial cluster.





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