Silicon Labs的PoE解决方案提供高达30瓦的多种功率等级
2018-03-07 16:14:43

日前,Silicon Labs(亦称“芯科科技”)发布了两款全新的以太网供电(PoE)受电设备(PD)系列产品,为各种物联网(IoT)应用提供一流的集成度和效率。Silicon Labs的Si3406x和Si3404系列产品在单个PD芯片上包含了所有必要的高压分立元件。新的PD IC支持IEEE 802.3 PoE+受电能力、效率超过90%的灵活的电源转换选项、强大的睡眠/唤醒/LED支持模式以及出色的抗电磁干扰能力。这些功能可帮助开发人员在高功率、高效率PoE PD应用中降低系统成本且加快产品上市步伐。

New PD IC support IEEE 802.3 PoE + by capacity, more than 90% of the flexible power conversion efficiency options, powerful sleep/wake/LED support model as well as excellent resistance to electromagnetic interference ability.These functions can help developers reduce system costs and speed up product launch in high power and efficient PoE PD applications.

IoT的快速扩张正在推动IP摄像机、智能照明灯具、功能丰富的视频IP电话、先进的802.11无线接入点和智能家电等应用对于PoE+连接的需求。这些需要更高功率的应用驱动了对于支持PoE+标准的PD器件的需求增长。例如,带有云台/变焦和加热元件的最新电机定位IP摄像机会对电源造成严重的负载。PoE+技术带来30瓦的输出功率,从而能够支持这些苛刻的应用任务。Silicon Labs的Si3406x系列产品适用于家居、商业和工业环境,是新型PoE+使能的IoT产品的理想PD接口解决方案。

The PoE+ technology delivers 30 watts of output power to support these critical application tasks. The Si3406x series of Silicon Labs is suitable for home, commercial and industrial environments, and is the ideal PD interface solution for the new PoE+ enabling IoT products.The rapid expansion of IoT is driving the demand for PoE+ connections with IP cameras, smart lighting, feature-rich video IP phones, advanced 802.11 wireless access points, and smart appliances. These higher power applications drive demand growth for PD devices that support the PoE+ standard. For example, the latest motor positioning IP camera with a cloud platform/zoom and heating element causes a serious load on the power supply.

Silicon Labs电源产品副总裁Ross Sabolcik表示:“Silicon Labs的PoE解决方案提供高达30瓦的多种功率等级,满足客户苛刻的电源需求。我们的PD产品组合带来业界领先的集成度和先进功能,帮助开发人员简化设计,同时满足其功耗和成本预算。Silicon Labs的一站式PoE产品可同时满足以太网电缆两端的应用需求,此产品组合包括新型的PD器件,以及PSE控制器和PSE电源管理IC。”

Help developers simplify design while meeting their power and cost budgets. The one-stop PoE product of Silicon Labs can meet the application requirements at both ends of Ethernet cable. This product portfolio includes new PD devices, as well as PSE controller and PSE power management IC.

Si3406x IC集成了PoE+ PD应用所需的所有电源管理和控制功能,把10/100/1000BASE-T以太网连接提供的高压转换为稳定的低压输出供电。通过使用经济的片外元件,同时保持高性能,优化的架构最大限度的减少了印制电路板(PCB)面积和片外BOM成本。

Si3406x IC integrates all the power management and control functions required by PoE+ PD application, and converts the high voltage provided by 10/100/1000base-t Ethernet connection to stable low-voltage output power supply. The optimized architecture minimizes the cost of printed circuit board (PCB) area and external BOM through the use of the external components of the economy while maintaining high performance.

与Si3406x系列产品互补,Si3404 IC为低功率15W PoE PD应用提供兼容802.3 Type 1标准的高性价比产品。Si3404在极小封装内集成了低功率PD应用所需的全部接口和控制功能。

In addition to Si3406x series products, Si3404 IC provides a cost-effective product compatible with 802.3 Type 1 standard for low power 15W PoE PD applications. Si3404 integrates all the interface and control functions required for low power PD applications in minimal encapsulation.

Si3406x IC集成了二极管电桥和瞬态浪涌抑制器,可直接连接至以太网RJ-45连接器。稳压器的开关频率可通过一个简单的外部电阻器进行调整,以避免不必要的谐波。集成的同步驱动器可以控制次级侧场效应晶体管(FET)以提高功率转换效率。通过自动维护功率签名(MPS)功能,在睡眠模式下保持与PSE交换机的连接。

The integrated synchronous drive can control the secondary field effect transistor (FET) to improve power conversion efficiency. Maintain a connection to the PSE switch in sleep mode by automatically maintaining the power signature (MPS) function.

Si3406x系列产品的电流模式控制开关稳压器支持多种隔离和非隔离电源拓扑结构。该稳压器由一个集成的电源开关FET作为补充。这种灵活性以及Silicon Labs完整的PoE PD参考设计使得开发人员能够更轻松的部署关键电源子系统。

The current mode control switch regulator of Si3406x series supports multiple isolation and non-isolated power topologies. The voltage regulator is supplemented by an integrated power switch FET. This flexibility and the complete PoE PD reference design of Silicon Labs enable developers to deploy key power subsystems more easily.

Si3406x IC已经量产并可提供样片,采用小尺寸5mm x 5mm QFN封装;Si3404器件采用小尺寸4mm x 4mm QFN封装。在一万片采购量时,Si3406x产品单价为1.34美元起,Si3404产品单价为1.02美元起。为帮助开发人员缩短开发时间并降低成本,Silicon Labs为Si3406x和Si3404器件提供一系列隔离式和非隔离式符合Class 2-4标准的评估套件,零售价格为79美元起。

The unit price for Si3404 is $1.02. To help developers to shorten the development time and reduce the cost, Silicon Labs for Si3406x and Si3404 components to provide a series of isolation and the isolation in accordance with the Class two to four standard suite of assessment, the retail price is $79.




